Your Business Your Way : Foreword by Michael
During the leveraged buyout craze
of the 1980s a number of corporations—the
car rental company Avis comes to mind—made several trips between
the public and private sector. It was as if Wall Street had gotten
into the business of selling round trip tickets to the stock
market. Each time a company changed hands the corporate managers,
and their investment bankers, invoked some higher principle.
When Avis went private it was to harness the greater efficiency
and enthusiasm of managers who were also owners; when Avis went
public again it was because the company could not grow, as it
deserved to without greater access to capital. On and on it went,
in a kind of endless spin cycle. The main consequence of a lot
of this activity was to enrich investment bankers who were, in
effect, churning entire companies. In some cases the investment
bankers were simply colluding with corporate managers; but in
many cases they were preying on the insecurities and ignorance
of those managers. In either case, a lot of people at the mercy
of Wall Street would have been better off if the two processes
at the heart of high finance—taking a company public and
taking a company private-had been de-mystified.
Now they have
been—and by the same former investment banker,
Rick Rickertsen. A few years ago Rick wrote an interesting book,
called Buyout, which advised corporate managers how to take their
public companies private, without undergoing a body cavity search
by Wall Street. That book was a paean to the owner-manager. Only
when he became an owner could the manager reap the fruits of
his labor, cease to be a wage slave and join capitalism’s
most exalted ranks, of those who could safely ignore the advice
of Wall Street investment bankers. Now Rick has written another
interesting book, The Biggest Deal of Your Life, and it instructs
people how to do pretty much the opposite thing. But the symmetry
is not perfect. Rick has no intention of turning you, the business
owner, back into a wage slave. His ambition for his readers has,
if anything, grown. In Buyout he showed you how you, too, can
fly first class. In The Biggest Deal of Your Life he shows you
how to stop flying commercial, and get into your own private
jet. In Buyout he sought to put you beyond the greedy grasp of
Wall Street investment bankers. Here he helps put you in the
position to actually purchase a few Wall Street investment bankers,
and do whatever you want with them.
I love Rick’s impulse
to make high finance simple and accessible. “Wall Street
loves people to think what they do is a mystical Black Box totally
incomprehensible to the normal man,” he says. “It
enables them to keep their fees up. But this is wrong of course.” Anyone
who has built a business should be grateful to his democratizing
instincts. He could have charged you millions for the privilege
of hiring him to you’re your company. Instead he is asking
only the price of a hardcover book.
Lewis is the author of several best-selling
books, including The New New Thing and Liar's Poker (#1 New
York Times national bestseller in both hardcover and paperback),
based in part on his own experience working as an investment banker
for Salomon Brothers. Lewis is currently a contributing writer
to the New York Times Magazine, a columnist for Bloomberg,
and a visiting fellow at the University of California at Berkeley.
His freelance writing appears in places including The New Yorker,
Slate and Foreign Affairs. Michael Lewis has served as editor
and columnist for the British Weekly The Spectator and
as senior editor and campaign correspondent of The New Republic. He
has filmed and narrated short pieces for ABC-TV's "Nightline" and
has hosted a series on presidential politics for National Public
Radio. He holds a B.A. from Princeton and an MSc in Economics from
the London School of Economics. He lives in Berkeley with his wife,
Tabitha Soren, and their daughter.